Tax Benefits for Your Business: Disabled Access CreditAugust 1, 2024/When it comes to running a business, tax planning often feels like navigating a labyrinth. Yet, understanding how to leverage…Read More
Prevention Strategies for Tax FraudJune 28, 2024/Every two years, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) publishes a comprehensive study detailing the costs, schemes, perpetrators, and…Read More
Construction Business Tax Law ChangesJune 21, 2024/The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was signed into law in 2017 and generally took effect at the start…Read More
0% Tax Rate for Capital Gains and DividendsJune 14, 2024/Many taxpayers may not realize that they currently qualify for a 0% federal income tax rate on net long-term capital…Read More
Planning for Taxable Gains and LossesJune 7, 2024/When it comes to managing your finances, understanding the differences between capital gains and losses and ordinary gains and losses…Read More
Identify Fraudulent Business ActivityMay 24, 2024/Fraud is a critical issue that can severely impact any business, and understanding how perpetrators conceal their activities is essential…Read More
Tax-Smart Strategies for Assisting with Family Home PurchasesMay 17, 2024/Interest rates on residential mortgage loans have risen sharply in recent years, complicating the home-buying process for many, including your…Read More
Business Taxes and Disaster RecoveryMay 10, 2024/1. Program Management In the initial phase, while setting broad goals for your disaster plan, include the objective of maintaining…Read More
Business Vehicle DepreciationMay 4, 2024/Understanding Business Vehicle Expenses When it comes to deducting expenses for vehicles used in your business, you have two primary…Read More